Student Support Office

Psalm 139: 13-14 is a powerful testament to how detailed our Creator is. Jeremiah is praising the Lord in this scripture, noting how God “formed my inward parts” and “knitted” him together. He later testifies that the Lord knew him fully and completely before he was even formed (verse 16). Jeremiah is testifying to the nature of our Father, the Creator. God cares intimately for us, His creation and children. That is the approach that KCA takes to each student: we see them as individual creations with a unique purpose in the kingdom.

We recognize that students have different needs, strengths, and callings on their life (and that not all students will thrive at- or love- academics). For that reason, KCA has established the Student Support Office (SSO). The SSO office supports students by providing input to shape classes (such as adding courses that are career-focused), providing advocacy in the office, offering a resource teacher for students who meet KCA criteria for need, advocating with Roanoke City Schools for Individual Support Plans and testing, college and career counseling (including College Prep and Career Days), and through offering trainings and seeking grants to better support students with needs.

We seek to remove the challenging barriers that exist to getting services for students with needs by providing this advocacy, classroom modifications, and meeting the student where they are at. We seek to implement supports that are as natural as possible and stepping them down as able.

We are constantly researching, praying, and strengthening our approach to serving students with learning differences; know that your student will be loved at KCA and that we are constantly challenging ourselves to provide the best supports possible. We currently serve students with specific learning disabilities (SLD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, trauma backgrounds, ADHD/ADD, anxiety/depression, and students who are on the spectrum for, but do not meet diagnostic criteria for other needs.

Your student was created with a purpose, with a calling, and has intrinsic and immutable value as a creation of God, the Father. The heart of KCA is to support your student in pursuing that calling with all of the resources we can offer to help them achieve their goals.