Educational Purpose

What is KCA’s Educational Purpose?

Our desire is for Jesus to be in the center of every part of KCA and for the Holy Spirit to be free to move.  The primary purpose is to glorify God within the school setting by:

  • Providing opportunities for the students’ faith to be encouraged and strengthened by example, study, and prayer.
  • Training children in obedience and discipline.
  • Providing a curriculum with high standards, challenging each child to do his/her very best, “as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23).

Buildings, desks, books, rules, and regulations do not make a school.  People gathered for the purpose of education make a school. People gathered in the name of Jesus make a Christian school.  People gathered as servants of Jesus, under the liberty of the Gospel, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit find not only the finest education in a unique setting, but they become changed into the likeness of Christ.  2 Corinthians 3:18 expresses this so well: “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”  We hope that this also excites you to want to be part of KCA — watching, yielding, and cooperating as the Holy Spirit works His life-changing miracle in you.


SPIRITUALLY – Let the Word of God dwell in you richly.

  • To experience regeneration through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • To study and apply the Bible so he/she might be conformed to the image of Christ Jesus.
  • To share his/her spiritual experience with others.
  • To effectively interact with the family as the primary source of spiritual growth.
  • To desire to be pleasing to God in all things.

MENTALLY – Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

  • To be able to reason, conduct academic investigation, and think critically and creatively.
  • To learn to assume responsibility for one’s actions.  To acquire common knowledge and skills.
  • To maintain an appreciation for and competency in the scriptures.
  • To inspire a genuine desire to learn.

PHYSICALLY – Present your bodies a living sacrifice unto God.

  • To develop coordination, grace, poise in movement, muscle tone and balance, endurance and agility.
  • To develop worthy use of leisure time.
  • To develop desirable habits in the care of the body.
  • To learn respect for the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

SOCIALLY – No man lives unto himself.

  • To acquire courtesy and respect for parents, teachers, those in authority, and others.
  • To assume responsibility within the family unit.
  • To learn sportsmanship, honesty and concern for the rights of others.
  • To assume responsibility toward supporting home and foreign missions.
  • To understand, appreciate, love and respect all people-groups.

EMOTIONALLY – Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

  • To grow in emotional maturity and stability.
  • To develop positive attitudes.
  • To develop artistic sensibilities and appreciation.
  • To develop a Christ-controlled personality as the source of true happiness.
  • To accept themselves as made by God with a specific purpose.
  • To grow in the fruits of God’s Spirit.