The ACTs (Association of Christian Teachers and Schools) Honors Society is for students who demonstrate the Christian development modelled by Jesus as found in Luke 2:52.
The ACTs Honors Society will be open to the 9th-12th graders during the 2020-2021 school year. Qualifying students will receive certification of their induction to the program at the awards ceremony at the end of each year. To qualify for continued membership, students must meet eligibility each year.
Eligibility for ACTs will require that a student demonstrate academic excellence (3.3 GPA or higher), spiritual excellence (Christ-like behavior in all circumstances), citizenship excellence (interpersonal relationships with peers and noted to be highly respectful to authority), and service excellence (Biblical service). Students will need recommendation from school administration and recommendations from at least 3 individuals. King’s Christian Academy’s (KCA) Student Support Office will review eligible students and provide them with recommendation forms to fill out if deemed eligible according to their academic standing.