In the Junior High School Program at KCA our seventh and eighth grade students are maturing in their relationship with Christ and are learning how to defend their faith with others. Students continue to learn God’s creation in Bible, Math, Science, History, and English Language Arts using curriculum such as BJU, All About Math, Apologia, Answers in Genesis, and various novels. In eighth grade students have the opportunity to receive several high school credits including Algebra I and Earth Science. Students are exposed to a more independent environment as they learn and grow into all God has created them to be.
King’s Christian Academy’s High School Program offers a variety of academia all focusing on a Biblical Worldview foundation. At this stage, students learn the great commission and continue to enhance their understanding of their faith as well as be able to defend it by witnessing to others. We know that God has created each one of us with different gifts and talents, therefore KCA is offering three diploma tracks: skills diploma track, standard diploma track, and an advanced diploma track including dual enrollment courses.
View our High School Preview Page to download the Course Catalog for the 2022-2023 school year.