6th Grade

Welcome to 6th Grade

Mrs. Katter

Mrs. Katter graduated with a degree in elementary education from the University of Nevada (Reno) and enjoyed ten years teaching in public schools. After that, her family made the move to Virginia where she stayed home with her young children and even took on the challenge of homeschooling them for a few years. 

The Katter family is excited to be back in a school setting, especially with her three kids joining KCA this fall! The Katter family attends Parkway Church on the Mountain and they enjoy being plugged in and serving there. 

Some of her favorite things include laughing, reading, studying the Bible, dancing to embarrass her family, and attending concerts. One of her favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31, “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” It brings her a sense of calm and reassurance, knowing that God is with us in every situation, giving us the strength to persevere. 

Mrs. Katter is looking forward to a fantastic adventure filled with learning, laughter, and growth. She can’t wait to meet all of the amazing students and parents and embark on this school year together.